
  • 产品价格:88888.00 元/套
  • 发货地址:广东广州黄埔区 包装说明:原包装
  • 产品数量:100.00 套产品规格:AOK
  • 信息编号:25152702公司编号:6642068
  • 程小姐 业员 13250301819
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    相关产品: 潮州反渗透设备


?(*^__^*) 你的贴心水处理顾问:程小姐(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……?
渗透技术是当今*先进和*节能有效的膜分离技术。反渗透膜、Sodium filtration equipment, PP cotton and its principle is in solution under the action of osmotic pressure, according to other substances not through the semipermeable membrane and these substances and water separation。由于反渗透膜的膜孔径非常小(仅为10A左右),因此反渗透设备优点:
能够有效地去除水中的溶解盐类、胶体、微生物、Organic matter ( such as high removal rate of9798% ). The system has good water quality, low energy consumption, no pollution, simple process, easy operation etc.. 
Reverse osmosis technology is commonly used in seawater, brackish water; water softening treatment; wastewater treatment and the food, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, concentration, separation and purification。此外,反渗透技术应用于预除盐处理也取得较好的效果,能够使离子交换树脂的负荷减轻松90%以上,树脂的再生剂用量也可减少90%。Therefore, not only cost savings, but also is beneficial to environmental protection. Reverse osmosis technology can also be used in addition to the water particles, organic matter, colloid, to reduce the fouling of ion exchange resin, prolong the using life of have a good role。
   Come nearly 30 years, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, ultra filtration and membrane filtration has entered the industrial application, development is very rapid, in the semiconductor, IC manufacturing process, food, pharmaceutical industry, usually will reverse osmosis as the production of high purity water desalination, ultra filtration, as water preparation system after treatment membrane filter for water treatment, pretreatment and post-treatment, used to filter particles and bacteria。广泛应用于电子行业用水、化工原料用水、医疗卫生用水、食品饮料用水、软化水、工业*纯水等行业中。

【一级反渗透装置 】:一级反渗透装置 反渗透是用足够的压力使溶液中的溶剂(一般常指水)通过反渗透膜(或半透膜)而分离出来,故称为反渗透。Reverse osmosis desalting technology as efficient, can be in raw water by inorganic ion, bacteria, virus, organic matter and colloid impurities removal, to obtain high quality pure water. Different materials have different osmotic pressure, can use greater than the osmotic pressure of the reverse osmosis method achieves the separation, extraction, purification and concentration of。 适用领域:苦咸水淡化,高氟地区饮用水,高硬水硬度去处,发电厂、电子、制药、金属加工用纯水,食品、饮料、罐装纯净水用水,医院、实验室特殊用水。 
一级反渗透装置标准配置:Import volumes of composite film, SUS304film, SUS304stainless steel shell of stainless steel centrifugal pump,5um security filter water, concentrated water flow meter, water inlet and outlet pressure indicator, high and low voltage protection integrated cleaning system。 

二级反渗透装置 概述:Reverse osmosis is the eighty time the development of a membrane separation technology, which is mainly using a membrane permeable principle, through a certain way it exerts a pressure, back to nature penetration force direction, the concentrated solution in water to dilute solution infiltration,这种方式称为反渗透由反渗透元件组成的装置为反渗透装置。

No air pollution discharge water total carbon ( organic ) lower structure is relatively simple pretreatment system generally includes the raw water pump, a dosing device, quartz sand filter, activated carbon filter, precision filter. Its main effect is to reduce the water pollution index and residual chlorine and other impurities, to reverse osmosis water requirement. The pretreatment system of equipment allocation should be based on the specific circumstances of raw water。
  后处理系统是在反渗透不能满足出水要求的情况下增加的配置。主要包括阴床、阳床、混床、杀菌、超滤、EDI等其中的一种或者多种设备。Post processing system can reverse osmosis water quality better, so as to meet the use requirements。
The reverse osmosis device imported membrane components, high pressure pumps, metering pumps, conductivity meter, a program controller assembled, the hand ( since ) the choice of control, with RO film automatic flushing, low pressure anhydrous ( high pressure ) or water full automatic shutdown, the pure water tank automatic operation and other characteristics, full computer control。设备结构紧凑、操作简便、性能稳定、高效节能,根据用户对水质的要求选配机械过滤器、活性炭过滤器、除铁除锰设备、软水器、超滤设备、反渗透、离子交换器、EDI等工艺组合,可制得符合用户要求的各种软水、净水、纯水、*纯水。
Polymer membrane for membrane separation technology as a new type of fluid separation unit operation technology, thirty years to gained huge development attract people's attention. Today's separation membrane world market has reached $2000000000 a year above. All of the membrane separation technology can be applied to petroleum, natural gas and petrochemical industry。反渗透和纳滤作为主要的水及其它液体分离膜之一,在分离膜领域内占有重要地位。

国内反渗透应用始于70年代后期,*早多限于电子、半导体纯水,80年代以后逐渐扩大到电力及其它工业,90年代起在饮用水处理方面获得普及,现在反渗透已进入到家庭饮用纯水。The last three years is the reverse osmosis application development stages. According to conservative estimates, various components of reverse osmosis membranes in 1997domestic sales in 1~ 150000000yuan. With the introduction of several domestic production lines have started production, is expected in the future domestic reverse osmosis membrane market share will rise。
1、大型反渗透装置集中于锅炉补给水用途:据不完全统计,我国已建成和在建的100吨/小时以上的反渗透装置已*过50套,但除少数电子等行业以外,大多数都集中于锅炉补给水用途。*早是火力发电厂,Later extended to oil refining, petrochemical, chemical fertilizer, chemical industry. One of the largest scale of 600tons / hour, estimates of this century will appear over 1000tons / hour of ultra large reverse osmosis water treatment device。国内在此领域已积累了丰富的设计、施工和运行经验,现国内承建过100吨/小时以上规模反渗透装置的水处理工程公司已*过10家。
2、饮用水处理应用限于中、小规模在国外,1000~10000吨/小时规模的*大型反渗透或纳滤装置多用于城市供水系统,But the domestic drinking water use in reverse osmosis device also has dozens of tons / hour below the medium, small scale. With the development of economy and membrane technology, the application prospect of large。
3、油田用水及废水处理应用还有待开发由于这一领域的应用技术难度较高和经济成本原因,目前国内还处于研究、开发阶段,With the development of petroleum industry and water reuse, environmental protection voice rising, membrane technology into this field is not too far away, the film manufacturer and engineering company is a business opportunity。
锅炉补给水、Demineralized water equipment, various steam boilers, coal-fired power plants, water heaters, heat Petrochemical boiler make-up water。中水、废水回用设备------石油化工、钢铁、*、纺织印染等工业领域的中水、废水回用。 The electronics industry with the ultra pure water equipment - - - - - - the single crystal silicon, cutting a semiconductor wafer manufacturing, semiconductor chip, semiconductor package, lead frame, integrated circuit, liquid crystal display, conductive glass, CRT, circuit boards, optical communication, computer components, capacitor clean products and various components such as production of pure water。一般工业用纯水设备-----镀膜玻璃、电镀、表面涂装、纺织印染、工业配液、工业产品清洗等用水。生物医药行业用纯水设备-----针剂、粉针剂、大输液、生化制品用水、医用无菌水、口服液等符合GMP标准。精细化工行业用纯水设备------化工工艺用水、化学药剂、化妆品等用纯水。 Beverage, food industry, water treatment equipment, drinking pure water, distilled water, mineral water, natural water, mineral water, beer production water, pure water for liquor blending. Brackish water desalination, seawater desalination equipment. Membrane separation equipment - drug separation, recovery, concentration, purification equipment。 生活饮用水处理、宾馆、楼宇、社区优质供水设备、直饮水工程。
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